Prof Paul Christesen describes the importance of the Olympic Games
The classics professor describes the importance of the Olympic Games to Ancient Greece, saying it was a "fundamental cultural marker for them."
[more]The classics professor describes the importance of the Olympic Games to Ancient Greece, saying it was a "fundamental cultural marker for them."
[more]Prof Stewart received the Barbara McManus Award from Women's Classics Caucus. She has also been named National Lecturer by the AIA and will give the William E. Metcalf Lectures in Numismatics.
[more]Latin 10.04 Latin Manuscripts and Palaeography was a hands-on introduction to manuscript studies in which students learned to read the most important scripts that preserve Latin texts of all kinds in manuscripts written from the first century BC to the sixteenth century AD. With the help of many generous guest lecturers, we also learned that there is more to manuscript studies than palaeography, and more to a manuscript than the text it preserves...
[more]Assistant Professor Alexandra Schultz uses language to unlock secrets.
[more]Congratulations to Classics faculty member Bryce Walker on his promotion to Senior Lecturer of Classics.