All Classical Studies courses (CLST) are taught entirely in English and may be taken with no knowledge of Greek and Latin. The numbering does not necessarily indicate increasing difficulty. Instead, it is by subject matter: CLST 2-5 and 10 take up topics in literature, philosophy and religion, CLST 11 and 14-19 are ancient history courses, and CLST 12 and 20-28 are archaeology courses.
Those who have never studied anything about Ancient Greek or Roman culture may wish to start with CLST 1 (Introductory Topics) or CLST 4 (Classical Mythology). Another good entry point is CLST 6 (Introduction to Classical Archaeology), which is also strongly recommended for those considering one of our Foreign Study Programs. However, all CLST courses except 85 and 87 are open to all students without prerequisites. Students may choose freely on the basis of subject matter.